2FA using one-time codes by email

Connecting 2FA with one-time codes by email

If you would like to disable a previously connected 2FA click here

First you need to get into your KickID account.

If you are not currently logged in, go to kickex.com and log in as you normally would.

If you are authorized, go to your personal account settings or, while on the KickEX exchange, click the button in the upper right corner and select "Account" in the drop-down menu.


In KickID, select the Security tab.


At the bottom of the page is the Two-Factor Authentication inscription, and next to it is the Enable button. Click it.


Now you are asked to choose one of two 2FA methods. Click Email one-time passwords.


One-time codes will be generated and sent to your email during authorization and to confirm transactions.

Click the Connect button.


Check your email and find an email from KickEX with a one-time code.


Enter the 6-digit code from the email.


If the code is entered correctly, you will see a message that authentication is enabled.


Disable 2FA with one-time codes by email

Go to the Security tab in your KickID account or follow the link https://id.kickex.com/settings/security.

Under the fields for entering the password is the Two-Factor Authentication inscription — Enabled by email — Disable. Click Disable.

Please note that re-enabling 2FA is possible no earlier than 24 hours after deactivation.


Check your email and find an email from KickEX with a one-time code.


Enter the 6-digit code from the email from KickEX.


If the code is correct, you will receive a message stating that 2-Factor Authentication by email is disabled.
