Kick Ecosystem Help Center

KickToken (KICK)

General questions

What is KickToken (KICK) and what is it used for?


KickID is the glue that binds the Kick Ecosystem together. When you login to one platform in the network, you automatically login to all platforms for a seamless experience.
Account Security

At KickEX, trader security is our top priority. In light of the increasing number of crypto exchange hacks and leaks of databases with stolen passwords, we strongly recommend activating two-factor authentication (2FA) for your account.

Verification (KYC)

KYC verification is obligatory for those who want to use all the features of the KickEX exchange

General questions

Market Definitions, KickEX trading fees, Welcome bonus and more.

How to trade?
Funds control
KickEX Referral Program
KickEX Referral Program is a multi-level referral system with 4 levels. It allows you to invite users to KickEX and receive referral rewards from the users you invite directly and the users invited by the referred users all the way down to 4th level. Join KickEX Referral program, become our partner and share up to 50% of the revenue with us!


General questions
KickToken & Kickonomy
Campaign FAQ answers